Monday, 8 October 2012

In The Loving Memory of 白白 (Whitey)

My mother hid about its death from me. If I didn't ask her, she wouldn't have told me. 白白 a.k.a.Whitey was my very first male hamster that I bred. I bought him (along with late 肥肥) in early 2011, and he was just 1 month old. This was his first home.

I love to see him sleeping like this, he looked so cute, eh?

I like 白白 a lot, maybe because he was my first pet. He was cute. All my hamsters are cute, but I find 白白 the cutest of them all. I like how his white fur stood out among anything or everything in his home.

This is him, in his second home. It is double storey and I noticed he loved sleeping upstairs.

This was taken when he celebrated his first Chinese New Year with my family. I love him even more.

Soon after, he got his partner pregnant and this was taken on the day he became a father of 2 pups. In fact, I took this shortly after his pups were delivered. I bet he didn't know he had become a father~

I had to separate him from his partner and his pups and he was a little aggressive in the new home I bought for him.

Months later, as one of his surviving daughters was growing up, 白白 put on a fight with her and his elbow was bitten. The daughter become fierce after that, and 白白's wound got worse and the opening on his elbow could not close. Well, it got pretty bad..

I don't have a clearer picture of his wound but from this photo, you can see a small part of the wound.

I don't have 白白's so much, but this is the most memorable one. I was leaving home for my university. I need to bid him (and other hamsters) goodbye but he didn't want to entertain my farewell. I tapped him and made him come out of his home. He did, and he bit my palm quite hard. I suppose he was angry~

So it was last Saturday when my mother sent me a photo of 白白. She told me his leg swell and he became paralyzed. I was so worry about him and every day I pray for and hope he would be better and recover. Mom said he was waiting for his time to come. I hope he could at least live until I see him.
No matter how hard he bit me, he had always been the one lifting my mood. He will always be my best friend, and I love him. I will always do. I am sad for his death. I didn't know he had to leave so soon.


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