Sunday, 7 July 2013

Come To Me

Despicable Me 2 Minion Dave Talking Action Figure~
Who wouldn't want one? So almost a month ago, I have noticed that my brother keeps on playing the video clip of the talking Dave action figure. Well, he replays it every single day, figuratively. He also mentioned that he'd like to own one, and I told him to get one for himself then. And then he reminded me of a fact that none of us has Paypal, unfortunately. And Toys R Us does not ship products to Malaysia.

I honestly think that there must be other ways to get one. Maybe it has something to do with my trait that I won't stop doing something until I am proven that I should surrender and seek for help. So I went searching everywhere on the internet and within an hour, my determination was paid off. 

The shop I found ships products to Malaysia and on top of that, it accepts payment via Visa. How blessed! I  checked the things there and tried to confirm with my brother if talking Dave is what he really wants, without telling him that I intend to buy one. I planned to get this for him, as a birthday present ;)

So yeah~ Payment accepted and the action figure was shipped~

It is expected to arrive around the end of this week or early next week. And frankly, I can't wait for it~


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