Monday, 4 August 2014

Picking Up The Brush

Just so you know, I was flattered by watercolour painting a few weeks ago. I had to get my brushes and palettes and try painting again. It was pretty exciting, and this is my first attempt after not painting for more than 5 years.


On the very next day I tried protrait. I used only pencils and minor help from my eraser. The truth is I am never good in portrait. Drawing this out is like an accomplishment for me.


Next attempt; I painted the stem and leaves too, but they were horrible to be depicted. LOL!

To the nature's

I ruined this painting by not switching to a finer brush. Now look at the eye lines. Ugh.. ==

I was only painting  aimlessly but it turned out to be something this cute! Yes, completely freehand!

The paintings look better if you see them with your own eyes. 
The only problem I had is I painted on a sketching paper. I do not have watercolour papers because they are not sold in my hometown. So..well you know, the papers get crumpled and wrinkly when I painted them. :/ 


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