Friday, 14 June 2019

[REVIEW] acelabs Ultimate Care

Perhaps I have been sharing posts related to various brands on Instagram and tagging the brands that advertisements on my feed are related to brands as well.

One day while I was viewing Instagram stories, acelabs advertisement popped up.

I swiped up to "Learn More" and see that what was RM 34 is now RM 5 while stocks last. 
Considering a piece of sheet is only RM 1, I believe that it's a great deal! I could save RM 29 for a box of 5 sheet masks! I thought, even if it's a cheat, I wouldn't mind losing RM 5 LOL

I followed the instructions and a few days later, a parcel from acelabs arrived.
I must say that I am pleased that acelabs was so generous with the bubble wrap considering that the box of masks isn't bulky at all!
There wasn't a single sign of dent or damage to my parcel!

Supposed it is a weekday-masks kind of commitment, and I used it every morning. I also kept track of the progress via video recording. Once again, I forgot to take my before-after photos so it was difficult to compare.

Day 1     Diamond Luminous
Intense Brightening Mask

Day 2     Nimtree Blemish Care
Soothing Mask

Day 3     Aqua Luminous
Intense Hydration Mask

Day 4     Peony Skin Shield
Purifying Mask

Day 5      Golden Daisy
Wrinkle Care Mask

Of all the masks, 
I enjoyed Aqua Luminous and Peony Skin Shield the most.
The former makes my skin feel refilled with something it was lacking of. I indeed feel that my face was hydrated and plump.
As for the latter, I reckon it's because I have a thing for peony so I subconsciously like it as well.

Day 1 till Day 5

It was funny how I was wearing dark coloured top every day when I was using the masks hahah
By the way, here is the video I recorded.
The first 50 seconds was on unboxing and showing the masks,
and the rest was me using all the masks.

By the end of the video, 
you can tell that my skin looks glowy~
(although it may be due to the lighting)
It made me feel fresher and generally made me feel better about my face.
So happy to pamper my skin, thanks to acelabs~

Head over to acelabs to read more information on each mask.
You can buy the masks at Hermo too~

Suddenly I am ashamed to admit that I got the masks because of my greed that they're only RM 5.


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