Tuesday, 9 July 2019

New look

If you are an old follower of mine on Instagram, 
you know that I had asked several times if I should cut my fringe

From my last poll result,
I decided that if I managed to book a Japanese stylist, 
then I would cut my fringe.
I feel that I could rely and trust the work of a foreign more than a local one.

So I did a small research on my own.., which Japanese salon to go to, the nearest outlet to husband's house, etc.
I had two on my mind; the one with two digits in the name, and another one which is more popular among cosplayers.
The former was all full, but the latter still had available slots.
That's how I went with Daisuke Salon de Coiffure.

It's been a while since I last felt cute LOL
And honestly, I got compliments too so I feel really happy with how it turned out to be.
It has been really long since I last felt so good about my looks.

I had been traumatised since my last fringe cut last year, where it turned out like a joke. It was before my trip to Okinawa when I met my boyfriend's family (now husband). It was of course embarrassing, but when I told my Japanese friend recently, she told me that it was better to look kind than to look fashionable.
I was glad to hear that!

Thank you Mr Suzuki for the amazing work on me!

Daisuke Salon de Coiffure
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaisukeSalon/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daisukesalon/?hl=en


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