Tuesday, 10 September 2019

[REVIEW] JMsolution Honey Luminous Royal Propolis Eye Patch

Remember about the Sasa voucher I received from Acelabs?
This is another eye patch which I got myself using it~

Intensive eye care
Instant cooling hydrogel sheet
Wrinkle improvement

My Thoughts
The instant cooling effect is real! My undereye feels more relaxed with the eye patch~ Similar to the Marine Luminous Pearl Deep Moisture eye patches I have used before, this eye patch will also slip down mostly due to the essence. In order to avoid slipping, I alwasy try not to have too much essence on the eye patch before putting it at the undereye. 

Since I have been using this for nearly two months (previously the marine luminous and now this one), I think my dark eye circles have improved slightly. However, I don't see any changes on my wrinkles.

JMsolution eye patch comes with a spoon that can be tucked under the lid separator, but easily slides down into the tub. I don't like the spoon tho.. I wish it was made of a different material, or at least had a rubber or resistant at the handle so that it would just rest at the side of the tub instead of sliding down.


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