Friday, 25 October 2019

Let's Unfold the Secrets Behind Korean's Beauty Ritual

Yes, it will no longer be a secret to anybody!
To all skincare enthusiast, here comes a chance for you to discover and learn a skincare technique because AHC, Korea's #1 Aesthetic Skincare & #1 Eye Cream brand, is organising an AHC Beauty Ritual Workshop next month! You are more than welcomed to also invite your sisters, brothers, cousins, or anyone who wants to be beautiful without going under the knife!

As stated in the image above, there will be two sessions for the workshop.
The first one starts at 11 a.m.
the second one starts at 2 p.m.

A registration fee of RM 50 is required, but it is fully redeemable during the workshop as you will be given a voucher of the same value to buy AHC products after the workshop ends
There is nothing to lose!

What's more is you will also receive a goodie bag worth RM 100!
There is absolutely nothing to lose!

You'd better be hurry to register yourself because the first 20 who successfully sign up are entitled to receive a full-size product worth more than RM 80!

For more information and/or to sign up,


ps: Light refreshment will be provided as well~


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